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Charge In 60 Seconds: Scientists Invent Super-fast Smartphone Battery - Will You Rock it?

This is too real to be untrue… and it directly tells you what the future of tech will be in the next few years. Have you ever imagine your Smartphone battery being charged in 60 Seconds? It sounds like magic but its gradually coming into reality.

A team of US scientists has developed what they believe is a revolutionary phone battery, which can fully charge a smartphone in one minute.

The bendy aluminium battery created by Stanford University scientists offers "unprecedented charging times" and is cheaper than the lithium models commonly found in laptops and mobile phones.

Features of This New Battery
==>Charge in 60 seconds regardless of the device
==>It is safer than lithium-ion batteries
==>It last longer than your normal device battery
==>Can withstand more than 7,500 charges before performance is affected

According to the inventor: "We have developed a rechargeable aluminium battery that may replace existing storage devices, such as alkaline batteries, which are bad for the environment, and lithium-ion batteries, which occasionally burst into flames. Our new battery won't catch fire, even if you drill through it."

While lithium batteries typically last for 1,000 charges before losing capacity, the scientists' prototype is said to withstand more than 7,500 charges before performance is affected.

"This was the first time an ultra-fast aluminium-ion battery was constructed with stability over thousands of cycles," the report's authors wrote.

This is a new development and I can’t wait for them to develop more and launch it into the market.
You can watch this two minute video to understand how the battery works. My question is, will you rock it when it’s released?

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